Rough Island Equestrian PARK
Rough Island Equestrian Park
Rough Island is home to a wonderful equestrian facility catering for different riding groups and individuals for the competitive and recreational rider. It has dressage and western arenas, a cross-country course as well as plenty of grass areas and access to riding trails through the forestry. For additional riding, horses are also permitted on the southern end of the beach at Rabbit Island.
It is situated on approximately 46 acres of Tasman District Council owned Recreation Reserve on Rough Island, and managed by the Rough Island Equestrian Park Management Board Inc.
The park was developed in August 1993 with the sole purpose to 'provide a safe, suitable and aesthetically pleasing environment in which to encourage a wide variety of equestrian activities for people of all ages' (Mission Statement 1993)
The park is open 7 days a week, from sunrise to sunset for public use. Please be aware that the gates are locked overnight and re-opening times depend on daylight hours.
The park is currently home to five equestrian groups: Nelson Western Riding Club, Nelson Dressage Group, Nelson Bays Pony Club, Nelson Riding Club and Waimea Pony Club, and is also used by many more equestrian disciplines on a regular basis.
We rely on payment of ground levies (currently $5 per horse / pony) for the on-going maintenance of the park facilities.
We prefer payments direct into our bank account - please email the Treasurer for details
Rough Island Equestrian Park
Rough Island Equestrian Park facilities are managed in conjunction with the Tasman District Council (TDC) and has an operational committee with five officer holder positions, a TDC appointed member and representatives from user groups. We generally meet monthly on the second Wednesday of the month, and our Annual General Meeting is held in August each year.
Sharon Higgins (President)
Sharon Williams (Vice-President)
Debbie Heaphy (Secretary)
Liz Harvey (Treasurer)
Emma Neth (Booking Officer)
Councillor Jo Ellis
Anna Terrell
Dawn Howard
Sonia McMeekin
Sarah Burrell
Vanessa Baxter
Tina Angus
Valerie Kear-Colwell
Bev Marquet-Rhodes
If your organisation/group would like to become a registered park user group an application must be made in writing to The President, Rough Island Equestrian Park Management Board Inc,email: nepmb@windowslive.com